Happy Birthday/Feliz Aniversário Carlos Caballero. Carlos is from Brazil, is 6′, 183, 8″ u/c and versatile. Tall, dark, handsome, hung, piercing blue eyes and a personality that would make any mother proud. Carlos started out as a model for Kristen Bjorn Productions and has moved up to being an assistant to Kristen as well as doing some of his own directing. To meet Carlos he melts your heart with his sweetness, strip him down and he will drive you loco! Carlos has starred in Rocks and Hard Places Parts 1&2, Fire Dance, Manville: City of Men and Casting Couch 1&2 and 5&6. See much more of this charming and yet sexual animal at KristenBjorn.com
Happy Birthday/Feliz Aniversário Carlos Caballero

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